Do you have a well, spring or cistern?

Learn about your water quality through affordable, confidential testing and become empowered to make decisions about system maintenance and water treatment!

The goal of the Virginia Household Water Quality Program is to improve the water quality and health of Virginians with private water supplies, including wells, springs and cisterns.

Pre-registration Preferred by June 5, 2023 – space is limited!

How does it work?

  1. Register FIRST by contacting one of the agents listed below and attending a kickoff meeting on June 15, 2023 in Tappahannock, King William or King and Queen.
  2. Collect samples on June 21, 2023 and drop off at sites listed below by 10 am.
  3. Samples are analyzed at Virginia Tech. Confidential results, an explanation of what they mean, and information about addressing any problems provided via mail, email, or interpretation meeting. An in-person results meeting will also be held on July 26, 2023

What does the water test analyze for?





E. coli bacteria








Total Dissolved Solids

Coliform bacteria


How much does it cost? $65 per sample kit.

(Cash [exact change], checks, and credit cards accepted. Please make checks payable to VCE Essex or VCE King William)

*If paying by credit card, please contact the VCE Office for instructions for payment BEFORE the Kickoff Meeting. *

Contact for registration:

Essex VCE - Robbie Longest; ; 804-443-3551

King William VCE - Christina Ruszczyk-Murray; ; 804-769-4955

King and Queen VCE – Turner Minx,; 804-769-4955







Kickoff Meetings

Pick up sample kit and receive directions to collect samples



June 15, 2023


11:30 AM

King and Queen Public Library

396 Newtown Road, St. Stephens Church, VA 23148

2:30 PM

King William VCE office

180 Horse Landing Road, King William, VA 23086

6:00 PM

Essex County Public Library

117 N. Church Lane, Tappahannock, VA 22560



Drop off Samples



June 21, 2023



8-10 AM

King and Queen Public Library

396 Newtown Road, St. Stephens Church, VA 23148

King William VCE office

180 Horse Landing Road, King William, VA 23086

Essex County Public Library

117 N. Church Lane, Tappahannock, VA 22560


Interpretation Meeting

Results will be mailed or emailed

(Virtual option also available)



July 26, 2023


11:30 AM

King and Queen Public Library

396 Newtown Road, St. Stephens Church, VA 23148

2:30 PM

King William VCE office

180 Horse Landing Road, King William, VA 23086

6:00 PM

Essex County Public Library

117 N. Church Lane, Tappahannock, VA 22560